I have reopened the forums with read permissions for everybody.
You are free to use any of this websites content for personal use.
You are free to incorporate it with your modifications as long as credits are given.
You are free to post it on your own website under the following conditions:
1. If the author is credited with name and website, you must do the same!
Like this example: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=77
2. In any other case you must give credit to this website.
Like this: PhpBB3 BBCodes
Code: Select all
[url=http://www.phpbb3bbcodes.com]PhpBB3 BBCodes[/url]
If you know of any other boards that offer phpBB support, feel free to PM me and I will list them here.
Unfortunately all attachments are damaged.
Sorry, they will not be replaced because my backup also is damaged