Image Hyperlink

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Image Hyperlink

Post by KukY13 »

This snippet will automatically place direct links to images you post using regular [img] BBCode.
It is all done really nice, in a form of a hyperlink image floating in lower left corner of the image.
You also get an unwanted indent of the image, but it looks pretty good! :D

First, upload this image to your images folder:
And do an edit:

Code: Select all

				'img'		=> '<img src="$1" alt="' . $user->lang['IMAGE'] . '" />',
Replace with:

Code: Select all

				'img'		=> '<a target="_blank" style="position:relative;left:22px;" href="$1"><img style="max-width:10%" src="images/hyperlink.gif"/></a><img style="max-width:90%;" src="$1" alt="' . $user->lang['IMAGE'] . '" />',
Check any post on your forum containing pictures, and see it in action!
Demo: Any topic on my forum:
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