Highslide Flash BBCode

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Highslide Flash BBCode

Post by Terr0r »

Dear Stoker

you have for prettyphoto the flash bbcode but can you made that also for the Highslide

also the rest what state on the Highslide site like Scrolling HTML content and rest what state there ?

Greets Terr0r
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Highslide Flash BBCode

Post by Stoker »

No, I am not going to make bbcodes for you to take to your own site and repost as your own!
This theft has happened too many times for me to care about it.
But there is no way I am going to spend more time on you Terr0r...
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Regards Stoker
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Highslide Flash BBCode

Post by Terr0r »

Stoker wrote:No, I am not going to make bbcodes for you to take to your own site and repost as your own!
This theft has happened too many times for me to care about it.
But there is no way I am going to spend more time on you Terr0r...
I repost no bbcodes on my site what you have made under my name

http://phpbb.grandtheftcrime.nl/viewtop ... f=35&t=113 take a loke there you name state in that topic and your site name state on that topic als as here http://phpbb.grandtheftcrime.nl/viewtop ... f=43&t=116 but if you say I must delete that from my site them I will do that for you

why you will no spent no time more on me is that because I post things on my site from your site ?
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Highslide Flash BBCode

Post by Stoker »

So you are basicly "just" asking me to create some content for your own site??
Seriously, if you want to run a site like that, you'd better learn how to create simple stuff like bbcodes.

I am not going to do that for you. However it is possible I do it for my users sometime in the future.
~ The greatest achievement in life is to inspire ~
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Highslide Flash BBCode

Post by Terr0r »

Stoker wrote:So you are basicly "just" asking me to create some content for your own site??
Seriously, if you want to run a site like that, you'd better learn how to create simple stuff like bbcodes.

I am not going to do that for you. However it is possible I do it for my users sometime in the future.
I understand what you mean stoker I have try to make a bbcdode for that but get it good so asking you if you want to help me out whit it but if you want that I understand that

and I used it only on my forum I do not release it on my forum

but this is a discusion about things setting on forums not about help to make a bbcode for highslide Flash
If you can't fix it with ducktape you ain't using enough
For my MODS and BBCodes or other things that I have made take a look here