Gulf Oil Spill Ticker BBcode

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Gulf Oil Spill Ticker BBcode

Post by Stitch »

This is a BBcode widget ticker that shows live updates of the estimated flow of leaking oil as to date.
For those who are keeping a close eye on this worst economic disaster in the history of the United States.

Gives USG esitmate
Outside estimates
BP(worst case)
Experts worst case

Nobody knows for certain how much oil has leaked into the Gulf of Mexico since last month's oil rig explosion. What we do have are estimates -- from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, from outside experts, from British Petroleum -- of how fast crude is flowing out of two remaining leaks

Link to website: ... exico.html

DEMO HERE: ... 34&t=15669


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Re: Gulf Oil Spill Ticker BBcode

Post by Stoker »

Oh man, scary numbers!
~ The greatest achievement in life is to inspire ~
Regards Stoker