I'm new here. Hello and Greetings from Scotland even though I'm English not Scottish.

I have been using phpbb since....... holy moses... way back in 1994 maybe? 1995.
I host with Europes fastest system servers and have unlimited space and unlimited bandwidth.
You're asking for donations.... the best I can do is offer you free unlimited bandwidth and unlimited upload download with the strength of a leading Company server with 99.8% annual uptime. My costs arte several hundred pounds a year but the business covers that.
Up to you.
If your banner adds are the at you fund this board that's fine. But heres a chance not to have those and keep an intellectually freezone for those who code.

Just a thought.
If you want exclusive space with your own login and password let me know. All the latest software and about 120 web softwares at the click of a button.
Nice to see your board, I'm just about to look at what Mods and Hacks are here for PHPBB3.
Best wishes and good luck regardless of which way you dedcide to go.
Neil Birley-Armstrong.(fmip.fbip.)
Director iClonia.com